
SMCA closely monitors events and issues affecting our members' businesses.  Check here regularly for updates on technical, safety, and legislative happenings!

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COVID-19 Awareness Training
COVID-19 Awareness Training

Awareness and safety presentation during the pandemic. Don't forget to take the quiz after watching. Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

OSHA Form 301 Injuries and Illnesses Incident Report
OSHA Form 301 Injuries and Illnesses Incident Report

This Injury and Illness Incident Report is one of the first forms you must fill out when a recordable work related injury or illness has occurred. Together with the Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses and the accompanying Summary, these forms help the employer and OSHA develop a picture of... Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

OSHA Form 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
OSHA Form 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses

This is a summary log of all work-related injuries and illnesses that occurred at your place of business for a specific year. Such events include work related deaths, injuries, and illnesses other than minor injuries that require only first aid treatment and that do not involve medical treatment,... Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

SMCA Safety Short - Safety Harness Pre-Use Inspection
SMCA Safety Short - Safety Harness Pre-Use Inspection

Inspecting your fall protection safety harness before each use. Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

NEP Amputation Outreach
NEP Amputation Outreach

SMCA Presentation's Personal Meeting Room During this webinar presented by OSHA Philadelphia representatives Jim Touey and Jim Harrity, we review the National Emphasis Program on Amputations. Watch Video View the slideshow presentation Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

Eye Protection
Eye Protection

Not all hazards to your eye are apparent. Accidents occur daily that could be avoided with the proper selection, use and availability of approved eye protection. Depending on the job, you may need goggles, an eye shield, facemask, safety glasses or a combination of protection. Select the proper... Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

Lift Safety
Lift Safety

Fabricated frame scaffolds, mobile scaffolds and scissor lifts are valuable tools of the sheet metal industry, but they present many safety concerns for our workforce. Hazard awareness and safety planning can alleviate much of the exposure to danger associated with work on scaffolds and lifts.... Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

Heating Systems Inspections
Heating Systems Inspections

During cold weather months, you'll be using your heating systems at the shop and the job sites. All heaters that burn fuel can leak deadly carbon monoxide. These fuels include natural gas, kerosene, oil, and propane. The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends that furnaces, heaters,... Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

Handling & Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders
Handling & Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders

Compressed gas cylinders, whether containing 'air', oxygen or acetylene, can all be a safety hazard if not handled with care. First, are all cylinders legibly marked to clearly identify the gas contained? Cylinders should always be considered full and handled accordingly. Handling cylinders is a... Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

Scaffolding Awareness
Scaffolding Awareness

Many times scaffolds are taken for granted. Someone else may have set them up, they have been at the site for a while or the mobile scaffolds are "always there", plus there are many different types of scaffolds. So training in safety on scaffolding is sometimes overlooked. Before employees begin... Continue Reading

Date posted09/1/2021

Welcome to the New SMCA Website
Welcome to the New SMCA Website

Welcome to our new website! We have a brand new look and updated technology in an effort to better serve all our members. We hope that you'll enjoy it as much as we do. In order to get the most out of your member experience, you will need to create a new login. Your previous username and password... Continue Reading

Date posted08/24/2021

SMCA Summer 2021
SMCA Summer 2021

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Date posted07/1/2021