Prevent Heat Illness at Work/Outdoor and Indoor Heat Exposure

Safety Resources,

The heat wave we have had over the last two weeks has been unforgiving. OSHA has provided the following information to help protect yourself and others when working in the heat.

Ease into work. Nearly 3 out of 4 fatalities from heat illness happen during the first week of work.

  • New and returning workers need to build tolerance to he and take frequent breaks. 
  • Follow the 20% Rule. On the first day, work no more than 20% of the shift's duration at full intensity in the heat. Increase the duration of time at full intensity by no more than 20% a day until workers are used to working in the heat. 
  • Dress for the heat - wear a hat and light-colored, loose-fitting, and breathable clothing.
  • Monitor yourself and others for signs of heat illness.
  • Find shade or a cool area to take breaks.
  • Drink a cool cup of water ever 20 minutes.